Pay10 the world-class payment gateway provider has proved its proficiency in handling chargebacks

In recent years, e-commerce has grown at an unparalleled rate. Furthermore, it is unquestionably true that the market for online payments has gained momentum thanks to the rapid expansion of online enterprises, and sure, this trend is reaching new heights. However, the rise in card-not-present transactions has raised the likelihood of chargeback fraud, unauthorized impulse purchases, refund fraud, duplicate invoicing, and other unpredictable circumstances. The most recent statistics also show that because e-commerce shops are expanding at an exponential rate, we should be concerned about chargebacks. Pay10 has experience managing chargeback concerns as a reputable payment gateway provider offering payment gateway solutions.
It is simple to handle chargebacks using automated chargeback handling tools in a formal API with the aid of payment gateway solutions provided by Pay10. The chargeback procedure seldom ever causes concern. Chargebacks can prevent developing e-commerce firms from thriving and shining if they are not properly handled.


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